Prostate cancer can affect anyone with a prostate gland. Older men typically develop this condition, but it can also affect young people, especially if they have genetic risk factors for prostate cancer. Your doctor may recommend prostate cancer screening if you belong to an at-risk demographic based on your age or genetics. You may also be tested for prostate cancer if you display symptoms that may be attributed to the disease. These are some tests commonly used to diagnose prostate cancer:

1. Digital Rectal Exam

A digital rectal exam is one of the least invasive screening methods used for prostate cancer. This exam is conducted by a doctor who will manually palpate your prostate with a gloved finger. This exam may be uncomfortable, but it should not cause pain. Digital rectal exams allow doctors to feel irregularities of the prostate that may be attributable to cancer. If your doctor feels anything suspicious during the exam, you may be referred for a blood test.

2. Prostate-Specific Antigen Blood Test

Blood tests are used to diagnose many health conditions, including prostate cancer. When screening for prostate cancer, your blood will be tested for prostate-specific antigens. These antigens are naturally produced by your body, but elevated levels of this antigen may be a sign of cancer. Not all men with high PSA levels have cancer since this test result can also be caused by prostate enlargement and irritation. However, high PSA levels are typically a reason to undergo a prostate biopsy for a clearer diagnosis.

3. Prostate Biopsy

When a person has one or more markers of prostate cancer, a doctor may order a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Biopsies take small tissue samples so they can be tested in a laboratory for the presence of cancerous cells. Prostate biopsies can yield a lot of important information. In addition to detecting cancer, biopsies can also determine how advanced the cancer is and where it is located. This information can help your doctors make the right choices when it comes to your treatment. It can also help you understand what you can expect from your prognosis.

These are three tests that your doctor can use to diagnose prostate cancer. If you are at risk of this type of cancer or you show worrying symptoms, it's important to see a medical professional as soon as possible. Prompt prostate cancer diagnoses can help men recover their health and avoid life-changing consequences.
