When you find out that you are pregnant and start building your own birth plan for labor and delivery, you will come across things like doula program services. A doula is a trained professional who works as a personal coach and servant during the delivery process. Having one can completely change a lot of things about labor and delivery. Take a look at some of the benefits of having a doula. 

Your chances of having a Cesarean will be decreased. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, women who involve a doula in the birthing process are 50 percent less likely to have to get a Cesarean. These numbers are pretty astounding to consider since having a Cesarean increases risks for both you and your baby during delivery. The reason there is less likelihood of having a C-section with a doula is you will have a trained professional coaching you, encouraging you through the labor and delivery process the entire time. Your doula will also help you feel better by offering things like therapeutic massage to help your body naturally produce oxytocin, which can help you avoid medications that are going to increase the chances of needing a Cesarean. 

Your partner will have more free time to do what makes them comfortable. 

For many women, their husbands or partners act as a labor coach during labor and delivery, which is nice. However, the whole thing can be a bit overwhelming for your partner, especially if they want to take some time to step out for a moment and can't, or even if they would like to just be present to witness the birth. When you have a doula with you, they will take on more of the role of being the labor and delivery coach if your partner needs or wants to do something else. 

You will get hands-on help to get started with breastfeeding. 

A doula's professional help does not end immediately when the baby is born. Most doulas stay with the mother and new baby to help with other things during postpartum. For example, if you intend to breastfeed, your doula will help you get comfortable with the whole process of feeding your child. As a new mother, learning to breastfeed can be a difficult process, and most hospitals simply do not have the level of staff necessary to tend to every mother for very long when they are just getting started. 

If you have any questions, contact a company with doula program services near you.
